Philipp Christen  .  Rolf Jaussi .  Roger Benoit

Biochemie und Molekularbiologie

Eine Einführung mit 40 Lerneinheiten

12   Plasmide, Viren, Viroide und Prionen


Einführung Website



12.1 Plasmide

12.2 Viren

12.3 Tumorviren und Onkogene

12.4 Subvirale pathogene Agenzien: Viroide und Prionen

Weiterführende Literatur


12.1 Plasmide

Antibiotikum (Wikipedia)

Plasmid (Wikipedia): EM-Bild verschiedener Plasmidstrukturen (linear, offenkettig und supercoiled)

Plasmid, definition (

Plasmids, genetics, biology (YouTube / Great Pacific Media): Animation zu Plasmiden

Four stories of antibacterial breakthroughs (Natasha Gilbert, Artikel zu Fortschritten bei der Bekämpfung von Bakterien

Bakterien holen sich Resistenzen bei der Konkurrenz (

12.2 Viren

International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses ( Virustaxonomie

Replication of retroviruses (Nature Education, Scitable): Replikation von Retroviren

Virus structures: General principles (Stephen Harrison,, http// Detaillierte Online-Vorlesung zur Struktur der Viren (ca. 50 min.)

Spanische Grippe 1918 (NZZ,

12.3 Tumorviren und Onkogene

Entdeckung des Rous Sarcoma Virus

Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV) - classic experiment (

Humane Papillomaviren [HPV] (Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG)

12.4 Subvirale pathogene Agenzien: Viroide und Prionen

Genomes pages -viroid ( Viroid-Datenbank

Prions and viroids (, Chamberlain): Detaillierte Einführung zu Prionen und Viroiden

Susan Lindquist (MIT): Part 1: Protein folding and prions (, Vorlesung zur Proteinfaltung und Prionen (45 min.)

Weiterführende Literatur

Zampieri 2021, Science - "The genetic underground of antibiotic resistance"

Callaway 2021, Nature - "Weird viral DNA spills secrets to biologists"

Dolgin 2019, Nature - "The secret social lives of viruses"

Sousa 2019, Nature - "New antibiotics target bacterial envelope"

Dance 2021, Nature - "Beyond coronavirus: the virus discoveries transforming biology"

Sköld 2000, Drug Resist Updat - "Sulfonamide resistance: mechanisms and trends"

Zhao et al. 2013, Nature - "Mature HIV-1 capsid structure by cryo-electron microscopy and all-atom molecular dynamics"

Köck et al. 2011, Dtsch Aerztebl Int - "The Epidemiology of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Germany"

Cohen 2013, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA - "DNA cloning: a personal view after 40 years"

Cohen et al. 1973, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA - "Construction of biologically functional bacterial plasmids in vitro

Bennett 2008, Br J Pharmacol - "Plasmid encoded antibiotic resistance: acquisition and transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in bacteria"

Weiss and Vogt 2011, J Exp Med - "100 years of Rous sarcoma virus"

Diener 2003, Nat Rev Microbiol - "Discovering viroids -- a personal perspective"

Diener, McKinley and Prusiner 1982, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA - "Viroids and prions"

Prusiner 1982, Science - "Novel proteinaceous infectious particles cause scrapie"

Revision Juni 2024