Philipp Christen  .  Rolf Jaussi .  Roger Benoit

Biochemie und Molekularbiologie

Eine Einführung mit 40 Lerneinheiten

36   Zelldifferenzierung; Regeneration, Altern; Systembiologie und Synthetische Biologie


Einführung Website



36.1 Zelldifferenzierung und Ontogenese

36.2 Regeneration von Organen und Extremitäten

36.3 Alterungsvorgänge

36.4 Systembiologie

36.5 Synthetische Biologie

36.6 Genomik, Proteomik, Transkriptomik, Interaktomik, Metabolomik und Mikrobiomik

Weiterführende Literatur


36.1 Zelldifferenzierung und Ontogenese

The history of cloning (Genetic Science Learning Center, Die Geschichte des Klonierens

Cell differentiation and stem cells (HollowayScience): Video (ab 9‘20“)

Stem cells (MIT OpenCourseWare): Vorlesung zu Stammzellen

36.2 Regeneration von Organen und Extremitäten

Newt limb regeneration ( Animation zur Regeneration des Beines eines Molches

Tissue culture and micropropagation lab ( Gewebe-Kultur

Induzierte pluripotente Stammzelle (Wikipedia)

36.3 Alterungsvorgänge

Degenerative nerve diseases (Medline Plus, Übersicht zu neurodegenerativen Krankheiten

Proteinvergiftung im Gehirn (Ärzte Zeitung online,

UCSF memory and aging center (UCSF Memory and Aging Center; Kurze Beschreibung der neurodegenerativen Krankheiten

Neurodegenerative diseases center (Henry Ford health system neuroscience institute): Neurodegenerative Krankheiten

Lewy body dementias (UCSF Memory and Aging center, Übersicht zur Lewy-Körperchen-Demenz

Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), Genetics Home Reference): Übersicht zum Progeriesyndrom

36.4 Systembiologie

Systems biology of the cell (Potters 2010, Nature Education 3(9):33): Systembiologie der Zelle

'Omics' Sciences: Genomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomics ( Omik-Wissenschaften

Biomarkers ( Beschreibung

What is circulating tumor DNA and how is it used to diagnose and manage cancer? ( Zirkulierende Tumor-DNA: Eine neue Generation von Krebs-Biomarkern

Der Fingerabdruck des Atems (

The virtual physiological rat project (

36.5 Synthetische Biologie

TEDxCaltech - J. Craig Venter - Future biology (TED, YouTube): Vorlesung von J. Craig Venter

Artificially expanding DNA's genetic code in designer microbes ( Künstliche Ausdehnung des genetischen Codes in konstruierten Mikroben

36.6 Genomik, Proteomik, Transkriptomik, Interaktomik, Metabolomik und Mikrobiomik

A brief guide to genomics (Courtesy: National Human Genome Research Institute; Kurzübersicht zu Genomics

Genomics and health resources (CDC, Übersicht zu Krankheiten mit teilweise genetischen Ursachen

Proteomik (Lexikon der Biologie,

Scripps center for metabolomics (

Mikrobiom (Wikipedia)

Lebenswichtiges Getümmel im Darm (H. Feldmeier, Pharmazeutische Zeitung online,

Nutrition and metabolomics: Personalized diet and health (ResearchChannel, YouTube): Vortrag über Metabolomik und Ernährung

Weiterführende Literatur

Mallapaty et al. 2022, Nature - "Pioneering stem-cell trials in Japan report promising early results"

Hodson 2021, Nature - "Stem cells"

Svoboda 2021, Nature - "The next frontier for human embryo research"

Colindres 2018, Laborjournal - "Special Einzelzell-Genomik und - Proteomik; Präzisionsmedizin der Zukunft"

Gurdon 2013, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl - "The egg and the nucleus: a battle for supremacy (Nobel Lecture)"

Halley-Stott et al. 2013, Development - "Nuclear reprogramming"

Boroviak and Nichols 2014, Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci - "The birth of embryonic pluripotency"

Couzin-Frankel 2016, Science - "Is there a limit to the human life span?"

Campisi et al. 2019, Nature - "From discoveries in ageing research to therapeutics for healthy ageing"

Brody 2018, Nature - "Outlook Huntington's disease"

Nedergaard and Goldmann 2020, Science - "Glymphatic failure as a final common pathway to dementia"

Lu et al. 2020, Nature - "Reprogramming to recover youthful epigenetic information and restore vision"

Madl et al. 2018, Nature - "Bioengineering strategies to accelerate stem cell therapeutics"

Mapstone et al. 2014, Nat Med - "Plasma phospholipids identify antecedent memory impairment in older adults"

Nature Reviews Cancer 2006, Web Focus Biomarkers

Aebersold and Blattmann 2019, Chimia - "Mass spectrometric exploration of the biochemical basis of living systems"

Bergamin 2019, Chemiextra - "Künstliches Erbgut eines Bakteriums" (ab Seite 46)

Martinez-Lozano Sinues et al. 2013, PLoS One - "Human breath analysis may support the existence of individual metabolic phenotypes"

Liu et al., 2020, Science - "Genetically targeted chemical assembly of functional materials in living cells, tissues, and animals"

Wimmer 2009, Nat Biotechnol - "Synthetic viruses: a new opportunity to understand and prevent viral disease"

Gibson 2010, Science - "Creation of a bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome"

Gibson and Venter 2014, Nature - "Synthetic biology: Construction of a yeast chromosome"

Malyshev et al. 2014, Nature - "A semi-synthetic organism with an expanded genetic alphabet"

Bergamin 2019, Chemiextra - "Künstliches Erbgut eines Bakteriums (Minimalgenom, siehe Seiten 48-49)"

Tarazi et al. 2022, Cell - "Post-gastrulation synthetic embryos generated ex utero from mouse naive ESCs"

Amunts and Lippert 2021, Science - "Brain research challenges supercomputing"

Eisenstein 2020, Nature - "The skin microbiome"

Okada and Wang 2021, Nature - "From genes to health"

Luck et al. 2020, Nature - "A reference map of the human binary protein interactome"

Human Microbiome Project Consortium 2012, Nature - "Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome"

Zahn 2021, Science - "The human genome"

Sundmacher and Schweizer 2016, BIOspektrum - "MaxSynBio: Max-Planck-Forschungsnetzwerk für die Synthetische Biologie"

Integrative HMP (iHMP) Research Network Consortium 2019, Nature - "The integrative human microbiome project"

Huang et al. 2014, Immunol Lett - "Multi-omics analysis of inflammatory bowel disease"

Egea et al. 2014, J Hum Reprod Sci - "OMICS: Current and future perspectives in reproductive medicine and technology"

Aebersold and Mann 2016, Nature - "Mass-spectrometric exploration of proteome structure and function"

Harper and Bennett - "Proteome complexity and the forces that drive proteome imbalance"

Chen et al. 2018, Nature - "Skin microbiota-host interactions"

Revision Juni 2024